Tuesday 21 March 2017

#4: Sporiadic purchases


One of my most anticipated films of 2016, was Assassin's Creed. Of course the film turned out to be another disastrous Video game film. In some ways it stands above the pack. One of those, is the fact that it takes place in the same continuity as the original video games. In this way I consider it a sort of spin-off, and ultimately I appreciated some of it's additions to the lore. In particular some of the characters interested me. I got the Maria Pop vinyl in anticipation to the film. One of my biggest problems with the films plot, was the fact that Maria was abhorrently underused, and I still hope for a prequel game that explores some of the underused characters.

Jamie Benn

The NHL is the sporting organization that has always interested me the most. and with it, Hockey being the most interesting sport in my mind. In my youth I played EA sports NHL games with my uncle a lot, and I credit those original games in the series To be very important, to my future Love of video games. and now that I am seriously looking into sports, The NHL is one of the sporting Leagues I am most intently following. Of course as a patriot, One of my favourite teams is The Edmonton Oilers, with my other being the Dallas Stars. And since I couldn't find any Oilers Pop vinyls, I bought the Jamie Benn Pop. One of the things I found funny about the NHL (and sports in general) is that players don't have to be from the home country of a team to join them. Hence a canadian; Jamie Benn, is leader of the Texan Dallas Stars team.

Cat In The Hat

When I was a kid, one of my favourite authors was Theodor Geisel. Otherwise known as Dr. Seuss. And for nostalgia's sake, I decided to get the Cat In The Hat Pop vinyl, as the character was more or less the mascot of the series of Children's books written by Geisel. Ironically I never read the original Cat in The Hat story, instead my connection to the character, was purely through The Cat's mascot position. The Pop, is my first Pop Books Pop.

Ancient One

One of the biggest controversies regarding Doctor Strange, was the whitewashing of The Ancient One by the casting of Tilda Swinton. I for one agree with it, as I found the original character a bit of an awkward stereotype in some ways. And In style the film still managed to sick with the ancient mystic theme, by making the character a Celtic mystic, something that's less typical. I enjoyed Swinton's portrayal of the character. Because of my issues with the original version of the character, I consider Swinton's version of the character the definitive characterization. I appreciated the set up, featuring the character as a wise, but heavily flawed sorcerer. The Pop vinyl itself was on sale.


The original Finding Nemo film, was in a curios position during my childhood. It arrived during my youth, so it should have been a childhood favourite, but since my parents never had a copy, (only my uncle) so it was always a B-Teir cartoon in my mind. I never watched it enough to get truly nostalgic about it, when I got older. And so I wasn't particularly thrilled to hear about Pixar's Sequel/Spin-Off Finding Dory. And without nostalgia to bind it's limitations, I had a mixed time with it. On one hand I hated some of the supporting characters, such as Destiny and Bailey, as I found them grating and irritating. Something rare for a Pixar film. But Ellen DeGeneres's Dory was a bright part. The character for the most part acted as a typically sympathetic Pixar protagonist, and ironically was more interesting than in the original film. There are two versions if the Pop vinyl. One for Finding Nemo and one for Finding Dory. I have the one for Finding Dory. I have the Pop because, my Dad found it at a chapters on sale.

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